HP Chapter Meeting on 11 June 2019
Notes from the Secretary
The NWA/AMS High Plains Chapter held a virtual meeting over the phone on Tuesday, June 11th and began around 130pm. There were a
total of 12 chapter members that were able to attend. The first item talked about was the new design of our webpage. If you haven’t
seen it yet, check it out at http://www.highplains-amsnwa.org/. Next was a talk about how we want to make the webmaster a new
chapter officer. Elizabeth Vickery would be the webmaster and new chapter officer. Also, Merl Heinlein has been voted in as the
new Treasurer of the chapter. There was also a discussion about new logos for the High Plains Chapter as well as opening a store
to sell High Plains Chapter items. An e-mail will be sent out to vote for the new logo and online store.
Brian Warren (OPL) from the Goodland office then gave an update about the High Plains Conference sent in August. Keynote speakers
have been verified and as of now, Chris Strager and Louis Uccellini are also planning to attend. There will be a working lunch Wednesday
with a fun leadership activity planned. A tabletop exercise is scheduled for Tuesday night at the Goodland office with an informal get
together afterwards.
A panel discussion about collaboration is planned during the conference consisting of someone from the Weather Prediction Center,
Chris Strager, and other NWS employees. They would like to have at least one person from each office as a part of this panel, so
if interested in joining please let Brian know. Last, a reminder to submit dues for the chapter this year. Dues are once again $15
and can be given to the chapter officer at your office. There was no presentation during this meeting and the meeting came to a close
around 145pm. The next High Plains Chapter meeting is expected to be in a couple of months.
~Jeremy Martin (HPC President)
~Jaclyn Gomez (HPC Vice President)
~Wesley Hovorka (HPC Secretary)
~Merl Heinlein (HPC Treasure)