High Plains Chapter of the AMS/NWA
2018 Conference
Hosted by NWS Hastings in Hastings, Nebraska
List of Presentations
- Experimental Applications of the Statistical Severe Convective Risk Assessment Model for Central Plains Severe Thunderstorm Threat Assessment
- Air Force Weather Efforts on High Plains Forecast Challenges
- Tornado Visualization and Doppler Radar Analysis Project
- Thunderstorm Asthma in the USA: Are We Missing an Important Signal?
- The 1 June 2018, Gillette, WY EF3: A Post-Frontal Tornadic Supercell
- Mesoscale Patterns Supporting EF3-EF5 Tornadoes across Eastern Kansas
- Topeka Sounding-Based Evaluation of the Potential for Severe Convective Winds in Weakly Sheared Environments
- Day Cloud Phase Detection: The Future of DSS and Lightning Lead Time
- Transforming NWS Fire Weather Operations Through Innovative Tactical Fire Weather Decision Support Services
- Utilizing GOES-16 and the AWIPS Hot Spot Notification App for Impact-Based Decision Support of Wildfires: Initial Beta-Test Observations WFO Wichita
- Expanding Product Capabilities at the High Plains Regional Climate Center
- A Wind Speed Climatology for Drones
- The Utility and Workflow of Unmanned Aerial System (UASs) Based Damage Surveys: A Case Study of the 26 June 2018 Eureka, KS Tornado
- Is the Heat Index Efficient to Measure Heat Stress? A look Into an Alternative Index
- Advances in the Nebraska Mesonet Monitoring Program
- The High Plains Chapter of the AMS/NWA: 20+ Years and Still Counting
- Big Red ICS - Incident Command System at Memorial Stadium
- Perspectives on How Severe Thunderstorm Forecasting Has Changed Over the Past 20 Years of the High Plains Conference
- Personality in the Workplace
- Overview of the New Winter Weather Observing Program at WFO Goodland
- Best Practices and Insights from the April 2017 Blizzard
- Development of the Nebraska Department of Transportation Winter Severity Index
- State Departments of Transportation Perception of Winter Weather Forecasts and Impacts
- Correlation of Snow
- An Observational Study of Winter Weather Related Traffic Accidents in Nebraska
- An Observational Study of Snow-to-Liquid Ratio in North American Mid-Latitude Cyclones Using Subdaily Data
Interested in attending our next meeting? Contact us today! Email HPChapterAMSNWA@gmail.com