High Plains Chapter of the AMS/NWA

Constitution and By Laws

Last Updated March 2012

Part I as set forth by the national organizations.


This organization can adopt any name desired by the majority of its active membership, provided the name in question is not in current use, upon approval of the Executive Director, National Weather Association and the Executive Committee, American Meteorological Society.


Primary objectives of the organization shall be to foster the growth of operational meteorology, through research, forecasting, broadcasting, and education.


1. Membership in the local chapter is open to anyone interested in meteorology and its related fields and who agrees to abide by the requirements of this constitution.

2. Officers shall consist of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

3. The president must be a member (full, associate, or student) of the American Meteorological Society. If requested, the chapter shall reimburse the president for this expense during his/her time in office.

4. Officers shall be elected at the first official meeting of the chapter and at the first meeting of the calendar year thereafter. All officers shall hold their position for one year and may be re-elected.

5. Any vacated office shall be filled by action of the executive committee in accordance with the local chapter constitution.

6. The President shall report directly to the Executive Director, National Weather Association and Executive Director, American Meteorological Society.


1. The following committees are required: Program, Membership, and Publicity. The chairs of these committees will consist of the Vice-President (Program Committee), Treasurer (Membership Committee), and Secretary (Publicity Committee). Additional members of the committees shall be appointed in accordance with the local chapter constitution.

2. The Publicity Committee will file (through the President) a brief synopsis of the past year's activities to the Executive Director, National Weather Association, and keep the national American Meteorological Society advised of all local chapter activities.

3. The Executive Committee consists of the immediate past president and the current officers.


No national dues are required of chapter members. The National Weather Association and the American Meteorological Society do strongly recommend that all local chapter members become full members of said organizations.


Chapters shall have a minimum of six meetings each year.


1. All active members of the local chapter may participate in voting.

2. Voting for officers of the local chapter shall be in accordance with the local chapter constitution.


The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised Edition shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the constitution.


This local chapter of the National Weather Association and the American Meteorological Society is organized and operated exclusively for nonprofit purposes, and no part of its earnings shall inure to the benefit of any member.


Upon dissolution or disbandment of this organization, all funds and properties in excess of liabilities and expenses of dissolution will be distributed as determined by a majority of the active members.


This local chapter of the National Weather Association and the American Meteorological Society shall become effective upon approval of the Executive Director, National Weather Association and Executive Committee, American Meteorological Society.

Part II as set forth by the local chapter of the of the National Weather Association and the American Meteorological Society.


This local chapter shall be known as the High Plains Chapter of the National Weather Association and the American Meteorological Society.


The High Plains Chapter shall foster the growth of operational meteorology in the plains of Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska by providing the community with a social and scientific point of contact for meteorological, hydrological, and other related scientific interests. The High Plains Chapter shall encourage collaborative research among its members and shall engage in continuing education on the latest developments in the various branches of hydrometeorological science.


1. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in meteorology and its related fields in the plains regions of Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska, and who agrees to abide by the requirements of this constitution.

2. The President presides as the Chair at all local chapter meetings and is responsible for the ideological and financial well being of the chapter. The President has the authority to appoint committees, to act upon local chapter interests as necessary, and oversees the goals and aspirations of the active membership.

3. The Vice-President presides as the Chair in the absence of the President and is Chair of the Program Committee. The Vice-President also assists the other Officers in the performance of their duties.

4. The Treasurer serves as the administrative focal point for all chapter activities, presides as Chair of the Membership Committee, keeps current list of the active membership, and maintains accurate financial records concerning local chapter activities. The Treasurer or designee of the Treasure shall make a report of the financial status of the chapter at each meeting. In the absence of both the President and Vice-President, serves as the Chair at the local chapter meeting.

5. The Secretary is charged with keeping the active membership informed about chapter functions, presides as Chair of the Publicity Committee, and submits reports of chapter activities to the national organizations through the President. In the absence of the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer, serves as Chair of the local chapter meeting.

6. The active membership has the right to impeach any officer if the officer's actions or activities warrant dismissal. A majority vote by the active membership is required to dismiss a local chapter officer. This vote will be done by secret ballot.


1. The Executive Committee consists of five members: the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and immediate past President. If there is no immediate past President the most recent past President of the High Plains Chapter will serve on the Executive Committee. If there are no past Presidents of the High Plains Chapter this seat will be filled by special election. The winner of this election shall hold the title of Officer Without Portfolio.

2. The Program Committee will be chaired by the Vice-President and have up to two other members.

3. The Membership Committee will be chaired by the Treasurer and have up to two other members.

4. The Publicity Committee will be chaired by the Secretary and have up to two other members.

5. Additional committees shall be organized at the discretion of the President.

6. Committee members shall consist of any active member in the High Plains Chapter.


1. Annual dues of fifteen dollars ($15.00) shall be paid to the High Plains Chapter of the National Weather Association and the American Meteorological Society. Dues are payable at the first meeting of the chapter year. Payment of dues entitles the member to active member status and voting privileges.

1.a. Members who join the High Plains Chapter in the fourth month of the chapter year or later shall pay dues prorated at the rate of one-tenth of the annual dues for each remaining month, including the current month.

2. If local chapter dues are not paid by the end of the second meeting of the chapter year the individual's membership privileges will be revoked and the individual will no longer receive announcements of future chapter activities until the dues are paid.

3. Use of all dues shall be for activities of the High Plains Chapter and for the betterment of the chapter.


1. The chapter shall have six meetings per chapter year. The chapter year shall run from January 1 to December 31 with elections held at the first meeting of the calendar year.

2. Time and location of the meetings will be determined by the Executive Committee, with input from the active membership.

3. At least four meetings shall occur in a physical location. In order to meet the six meetings per year mandate, the membership may approve up to two "cybermeetings."

4. All meeting minutes shall be sent in writing to all active members by the Program Committee at least fifteen (15) days prior to the next meeting. This message shall also include the time, place, and purpose of the next meeting.


1. A quorum is defined as more than one-quarter of the active membership and must include one elected Officer.

2. A simple majority of the quorum is required for the election of officers and matters other than constitutional reform. Voting may take place by one of two methods.

2a. If a quorum is present at a meeting, voting may take place at that time.

2b. If a quorum is not present at a meeting, then all matters that require voting will be subject to electronic voting. Electronic voting will take place one week after the minutes for the previous meeting have been made available. After the one week waiting period, the president (or the president's designee) will post the question to all active members via electronic mail. Voting will take place within a one week window beginning with the day the question is posted. This will ensure the vote will be completed by the next meeting. Votes will be made via electronic mail directly to the president (or the president's designee). Members without electronic mail capability will have their vote forwarded by a member who does. Results of the vote will be announced at the next meeting, and by electronic mail to all active members.

2c. If electronic mail vote is authorized then the President or a designee of the President shall retain copies of all electronic mail ballots for a period of one year.

2d. If a quorum is not met via electronic voting the matter shall be tabled until the next meeting. No chapter business can occur without a quorum.

3. A two-thirds majority of the active membership is required for amendment of the constitution. This is almost certainly going to require an electronic mail vote. Electronic voting will take place one week after the minutes for the previous meeting have been made available. After the one week waiting period, the president (or the president's designee) will post the potential amendment to all active members via electronic mail. Voting will take place within a one week window beginning with the day the potential amendment is posted. This will ensure the vote will be completed by the next meeting. Votes will be made via electronic mail directly to the president (or the president's designee). Members without electronic mail capability will have their vote forwarded by a member who does. Results of the vote will be announced at the next meeting, and by electronic mail to all active members.

4. Nominations of active members qualified to hold Officer positions will be accepted from the floor during the last meeting of the calendar year. A list of the nominees will be sent to all active members within ten (10) days after the close of the fifth meeting.

5. Election of Officers will take place during the first meeting of the calendar year.

6. If an Officer position becomes vacant, the remaining Executive Committee members shall select a qualified active member to fill the vacancy. Three votes are required to fill a vacancy in this fashion. If no candidate receives three votes, the President shall make the selection to fill the vacancy. In either case, the member selected to fill the vacancy must be ratified by a simple majority of the quorum present at the next chapter meeting. Should the selection to the vacancy not be ratified, then an election to fill the vacancy must be held immediately.

7. At the first meeting of the High Plains Chapter of the National Weather Association and American Meteorological Society, both the nomination and election of Officers shall occur.


1. A quorum is defined as more than one-quarter of the active membership and must include one elected Officer.

2. A simple majority of the quorum is required for the election of officers and matters other than constitutional reform. Voting may take place by one of two methods.

2a. If a quorum is present at a meeting, voting may take place at that time.

2b. If a quorum is not present at a meeting, then all matters that require voting will be subject to electronic voting. Electronic voting will take place one week after the minutes for the previous meeting have been made available. After the one week waiting period, the president (or the president's designee) will post the question to all active members via electronic mail. Voting will take place within a one week window beginning with the day the question is posted. This will ensure the vote will be completed by the next meeting. Votes will be made via electronic mail directly to the president (or the president's designee). Members without electronic mail capability will have their vote forwarded by a member who does. Results of the vote will be announced at the next meeting, and by electronic mail to all active members.

2c. If electronic mail vote is authorized then the President or a designee of the President shall retain copies of all electronic mail ballots for a period of one year.

2d. If a quorum is not met via electronic voting the matter shall be tabled until the next meeting. No chapter business can occur without a quorum.

3. A two-thirds majority of the active membership is required for amendment of the constitution. This is almost certainly going to require an electronic mail vote. Electronic voting will take place one week after the minutes for the previous meeting have been made available. After the one week waiting period, the president (or the president's designee) will post the potential amendment to all active members via electronic mail. Voting will take place within a one week window beginning with the day the potential amendment is posted. This will ensure the vote will be completed by the next meeting. Votes will be made via electronic mail directly to the president (or the president's designee). Members without electronic mail capability will have their vote forwarded by a member who does. Results of the vote will be announced at the next meeting, and by electronic mail to all active members.

4. Nominations of active members qualified to hold Officer positions will be accepted from the floor during the last meeting of the calendar year. A list of the nominees will be sent to all active members within ten (10) days after the close of the fifth meeting.

5. Election of Officers will take place during the first meeting of the calendar year.

6. If an Officer position becomes vacant, the remaining Executive Committee members shall select a qualified active member to fill the vacancy. Three votes are required to fill a vacancy in this fashion. If no candidate receives three votes, the President shall make the selection to fill the vacancy. In either case, the member selected to fill the vacancy must be ratified by a simple majority of the quorum present at the next chapter meeting. Should the selection to the vacancy not be ratified, then an election to fill the vacancy must be held immediately.

7. At the first meeting of the High Plains Chapter of the National Weather Association and American Meteorological Society, both the nomination and election of Officers shall occur.


1. Expenditures of the High Plains Chapter of the National Weather Association and the American Meteorological Society less than fifty dollars ($50.00) may be authorized by a majority of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall have authority to sign checks for these expenditures. If there is no Treasurer then the President shall have signature authority.

2. Expenditures of the High Plains Chapter of fifty dollars ($50.00) or more shall require the approval of a simple majority of a quorum present. Both the Treasurer and the President must sign checks for these expenditures.


The High Plains Chapter of the National Weather Association and the American Meteorological Society is organized and operated exclusively as a nonprofit entity, and no portion of its earnings shall be used to the benefit of any individual that is an active member.


The High Plains Chapter of the National Weather Association and the American Meteorological Society shall follow the procedure given in Part I, Article X of the constitution upon the dissolution of the chapter.


This constitution shall become effective upon ratification by two-thirds of the people present at the inaugural meeting of the chapter on March 11, 1996, and upon approval of the parties named in Part I, Article XI of this constitution.

Interested in attending our next meeting? Contact us today! Email jeremy.martin@noaa.gov